Multiparty Computation for Non-Techies!

Securing Assets: A 360° Outlook

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In this webinar session, we explore how keyless wallets are transforming and strengthening the blockchain ecosystem.

  • If you’ve been wondering how keyless wallets can possibly function without private keys, this session is for you.
  • If you’ve heard about multiparty computation but are not sure how and why it may impact or benefit your business, this session is for you.
  • If you’ve heard about threshold cryptography but find the concept a bit magical or confusing, this session is for you.
  • If you’ve not yet heard of the above but are curious to learn how enterprise keyless wallets may benefit your business, this session is for you.

This deep dive session will be hosted in collaboration with our partners and friends at SEPIOR.

The SEPIOR team is composed of some of the world’s greatest cryptography experts and pioneers but you don’t need to be a techie or hold a degree in cryptography to learn and benefit from this session!

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