Bank-Grade Policy Engine

Enhance internal controls to mitigate the risk of key-person dependency or collusion with our bank-grade policy engine.

Roles & Duties

Define who may initiate transactions and who must approve them.

Transaction Limits

Define user-level and account-level daily transaction limits.

Multilevel Approval Chain

Define amounts above which senior staff must approve transactions.

M-of-N Approvals

Define the minimum number of approvals required at each level of the chain.

Transaction Logs

Access activity logs to easily identify who initiated and approved which transactions.

Auditing Function

Provide full visibility on all activities to internal and/or external stakeholders.

Enhanced oversight

For timely oversight, key stakeholders can receive activity notifications via multiple messaging channels.

  • Email alerts

  • Telegram alerts

  • Web-hook notifications

For ongoing activity monitoring, in addition to control panel reports, historical data can be exported via CSV files or API.

  • Historical reports

  • CSV exports

  • API exports

Robust security

Our platform employs an array of reliable encryption techniques to ensure that transaction approval is always enforced as expected.

  • Out-of-band multi-factor authentication

  • Cryptographically-enforced approvals

  • Tamper-resistant policies

  • Multiparty computation

Learn more about security

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